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Musical revivals: an embrace of Art and Music to grow together

18/08/2021 11:00


News, Reviviscenze Musicali, Insubria Chamber Orchestra, Giorgio Rodolfo Marini, Carlo Levi Minzi,

Musical revivals: an embrace of Art and Music to grow together

We firmly believe in the value of Culture, Art, and Education as tools for the growth of the human being.


We firmly believe in the value of Culture, Art, and Education as tools for human growth, especially today when we are experiencing a strong crisis not only economic but above all in the profound values that seem to crumble with the passing of generations.

What has driven us towards this ambitious project is the belief that creating and promoting Culture through the tools of Music and Art can be an effective means not only to feed our personal passions but also to arouse emotions that can become a stimulus to appreciate the Beauty, pure and essential nourishment of the soul.


The review "Musical Revival" was born last year as a deep reaction to that very sad period of lockdown that prevented many artists from expressing themselves and savoring the contact with their audience. There was also a strong desire to send a message conveying that Culture absolutely had to come back to life and nourish us.

This is how we carried out with so much initiative and a hint of healthy imprudence the first Italian streaming concert on 30.05.2020 with an orchestra present when the audience still could not attend. The event took place in Gazzada Schianno (Va) at Villa De Strens, the seat of the Municipality, with the acquisition of sponsorship.

The success that followed strongly motivated us to continue on this path, and in the autumn of the same year, the first edition of the Reviviscenze Musicali was realized.

The project required a huge commitment both economically and in terms of personal energy, but we strongly believed in it and we made it. Now we would like to give continuity to this first project. The passion and principles mentioned in the introduction are still alive, now as then. We would even like to expand the action by including artists who work in the field of visual arts, who will accompany us in every musical encounter, creating a happy new combination in which disciplines mutually enhance each other.

Another parallel path that will be taken, already present in the first edition, is to raise funds to continue implementing the projects conceived by the InTogo Association accessible on the website, which is actively involved in the organization.

An important part of the organization of the event is covered by the Jupiter Foundation, which also sees a significant number of young promises as well as established musicians in its Insubria Chamber Orchestra, including musicians like Carlo Levi Minzi and its conductor Maestro Giorgio Rodolfo Marini.

For all these reasons, we are asking for your help to make this second edition of the Reviviscenze Musicali a reality because our good intentions will not be enough without your valuable and essential support.

The event is organized thanks to our technical and logistical support and promoted through the web platform and social media of

We rely on the willingness of entrepreneurs, traders, and enthusiasts to give the event the deserved prestige and support.

We are confident that your sensitivity will not let this opportunity slip away.
For any clarification, information, or to give your support, you can contact the number +39 3759109010 or write to

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