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ArtistOnLine continues its adventure... thanks to you!

15/11/2022 09:00


News, ArtistaOnLine, Arte online, ArtistaOnLine Piano ArtBasic, ArtistaOnLine Piano ArtPlus, Landing Page ArtistaOnLine, Portale d'arte,

ArtistOnLine continues its adventure... thanks to you!

We are happy to announce that ArtistaOnLine, the portal we created with so much passion, will continue to thrive thanks to your enthusiasm


We are happy to announce that ArtistaOnLine, the portal we created with so much passion, will continue to exist thanks to your enthusiasm and support. Initially, we had decided to discontinue activities halfway through next year, but the numerous emails, phone calls, and messages we received made us reflect deeply.
It was exciting to see how much our portal has been appreciated and loved by many artists and art enthusiasts. Despite the challenges faced over the years, ArtistaOnLine has grown, becoming a point of reference for many. Your reaction has led us to reconsider our decision, and after careful consideration, we have decided to relaunch the portal with renewed energy and determination.


We will continue to promote Beauty and spread it through the web and social media, offering artists the opportunity to connect with different and distant realities, creating endless opportunities for comparison and interaction.

Although many artists still struggle to understand the importance of these new communication tools, we are convinced that they are essential to complement traditional forms of exposure.
Today, the audience visiting an exhibition also looks for an online presence, where they can deepen their knowledge of the works and the artist. It will be on our portal that they will find your dedicated space, complete with a biography, critical comments, and a gallery of your works and artistic activity, whatever it may be.
You won't have to worry about anything: we will take care of creating your landing page, indexing it, ensuring maximum visibility.
To ensure sustainability and improve the service, we have increased publication possibilities by creating two different plans: ArtBasic Plan (€50.00 per year) and ArtPlus Plan (€89.00 per year), therefore at a symbolic price compared to the quality and importance of the service offered. All subscription details are available in the "Services" section dedicated to Services" on ArtistaOnLine.
We are certain that we can count on your continued support for this new phase of our project.

Without you, even our efforts would risk not being sufficient to carry forward this great challenge. For further information, you can write to or call 03321647175.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the affection and appreciation you have shown us.


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