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Twenty-first idea for International Inner Wheel: success and solidarity at the Milan Conservatory.

08/12/2021 11:00


News, International Inner Wheel, Titti Fusi, Concerto per le Donne Afgane, Conservatorio di Milano, Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi Milano, Milano,

Twenty-first idea for International Inner Wheel: success and solidarity at the Milan Conservatory.

On the 28th of November 2021, the Verdi Hall of the Milan Conservatory hosted the "EXTRAORDINARY CONCERT FOR THE WELCOMING OF AFGHAN WOMEN."


On November 28, 2021, the Sala Verdi of the Conservatory of Milan hosted the "EXTRAORDINARY CONCERT FOR THE WELCOMING OF AFGHAN WOMEN," an event that managed to combine great music with a deeply meaningful social commitment. The initiative, which saw a large audience participation, represented a moment of solidarity towards Afghan women in a particularly difficult period for their country.

We are particularly proud to announce that Ideaventuno, in collaboration with ArtistaOnLine, had the honor of being entrusted by International Inner Wheel with the management of the event's promotion and communication. In this context, Ideaventuno took care of the entire graphic part, ensuring that every visual element reflected the spirit and importance of the initiative. We handled the design of all graphic material, from creating posters and flyers to producing brochures and other informative materials distributed during the event.


Furthermore, Ideaventuno managed the printing of all promotional materials, ensuring quality and visual consistency in every detail. Our attention also extended to the online publication of the event, through a digital communication strategy that allowed us to reach a wide audience, spreading the message of welcome and solidarity beyond the walls of the Conservatory.

A special thanks goes to the very nice and extremely helpful Mrs. Titti Fusi, with whom we had the privilege to collaborate. Her passion and dedication were crucial for the success of the initiative, and her contribution was essential for our effective synergy.

This concert has shown how culture and art can be powerful instruments for raising awareness and social change. Ideaventuno is proud to have contributed, with its graphic and communication skills, to such a significant event. We will continue to engage in projects that, like this one, promote values of inclusion and support for the most vulnerable communities.

With enthusiasm, we look to the future, ready to put our creativity and professionalism at the service of new initiatives that, like the "EXTRAORDINARY CONCERT FOR THE WELCOMING OF AFGHAN WOMEN", combine art, culture, and social commitment in a message of hope and solidarity.


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